Christoffer Rogerson (S)

Christoffer Rogerson is a musician and actor from Västerås, Sweden.
Christoffer’s involvement with theatre started in school through his drama teachers and fellow Awake Projects founders
Maria Sendow and Christopher Sivertsen.
Graduating after 12 years at a Steiner School (Västerås Waldorfskola) Christoffer studied acting for two years at Bona folkhögskola in Motala from where he, aside from all the other actor training, gained a lot of experience as a puppeteer.
A co-founder of the theatre company Teater Buzka lead by Jan Bäcklin in Kristianstad, Sweden, Christoffer had a leading roll
as a physical actor and puppeteer in the company’s first production Slutpunkt – en släng av Beckett (Endpoint – a touch of Beckett).
In early 2012 Christoffer starred in the Lilja Ensemble production Aprilsnö (April Snow). A mix between performance art and experimental theatre, where the actors perform beneath the audience who are on raised platforms 4 meters above looking down on the stage.
He started playing drums in 1998 and has remained involved in the music industry ever since, he’s had extensive singing and voice coaching in various workshops and classes and has performed numerous recordings with different bands.
When not working with Awake Projects, Christoffer writes music and is the lead singer and guitarist in the alternative rock band Indifferent.
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