Dagfinn was born 1981 in Norway and works in all of Scandinavia as actor. Lately also in Belgium at the KOPERGIETERY in a coproduction with NIE. He worked with STELLA POLARIS (NOR) 2001-2007 and studied PPU theatre at KHIO (Arts academy of Oslo) and has a MA in acting from TEAK (Theatre Academy of Helsinki). recent works include Lysander in «A midsummer night’s dream» at VÄSTANÅ Teater in Sweden, 2011; hospital clown with SYKEHUSKLOVNENE (NOR) since 2007. Dagfinn teaches acting and does plays with kids through TEATER PROSERPINA. He is a member of AWAKE PROJECT andNIE. He has also undertaken the Viewpoint- and Suzuki- training at SITIcompany in NYC for the last 3 years.
“I want to work with theatre that shows how it is to be a human beeing. And to find the universal stories and tell them in a way that resonates the time we are living in.”